Category: Main page » Electronics for home living

Electronic circuits, devices for home

  1. Cuckoo sound Generator
  2. Electronic Canary
  3. Electronic Siren
  4. One-IC two-tones Siren
  5. Assortment of Siren Circuits
  6. Sound Effects Generator
  7. Sound Effects Generator 2
  8. A simple electronic buzzer
  9. Metronome Circuit
  10. Keys finder
  11. Nocturnal Animals Whisker
  12. Whistle Responder
  13. Simple Lie Detector
  14. Time Delay Relay
  15. Time Delay Relay-2
  16. LASER Transmitter/Receiver
  17. Insect Repellant
  18. Ultrasonic Dog Whistle
  19. Hot Water Level Indicator
  20. Snore Alarm
  21. Lightning Activated Camera Shutter Trigger
  22. Constant Temperature Circuit
  23. Hand Clap Electronic Control
  24. Audio Auto Shutoff
  25. 60 LED Clock
  26. Simple megaphone 9 Volt
  27. Wire tracer

Light control:

  1. 220 Volts Flashing Lamps
  2. TRIAC Light Dimmer
  3. LED or Lamp Flasher
  4. Bike Light Flasher
  5. Simple LED Flasher
  6. Flashing neon christmas lights
  7. LEDs or Lamps Sequencer
  8. Battery-powered Night Lamp
  9. Courtesy Light
  10. Brightness Control for small Lamps
  11. Dark-activated LED or Lamp Flasher
  12. 12VDC Fluorescent Lamp Driver
  13. LED Chaser
  14. Adjustable Strobe Light
  15. Fading LEDs
  16. Dancing LEDs
  17. Black Light
  18. Bicycle back Safety Light
  19. Seven Component Regulated LED Lamp
  20. LED Mood Light
  21. 13 Color LED Rainbow
  22. Sun - Up Alarm
  23. PIC Light Chaser
  24. Doorbell for the Deaf
  25. LASER Transmitter/Receiver

Motor control:

  1. DC Motor Control Circuit
  2. Fan control
  3. Motor Speed Control
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