CxemCAR 2 - Android controlled RC Vehicle with real-time video (Bluetooth & Wi-Fi) - In this article describes the control crawler platform from any Android-device (tablet, smart phone, etc.) via Bluetooth, as well as viewing real-time video and rotation control pan/tilt of Wi-Fi IP-Camera.
DIY Infrared Thermometer - Infra Red Thermometer (MLX90614 sensor and display from Nokia 5110) on Arduino
FEZ Panda II RC car (Android control via Bluetooth) - In this article, I will describe the assembly CxemCAR project for the .NET Micro Framework compability board (FEZ Panda II)
DIY DC Amp Volt Watt Meter on the Arduino - In this article, I will use the current monitor based on the ZXCT series IC for measuring current voltage and watts
Lighting control with Android device through Bluetooth - Here we describe a prototype light control, or any other load using Android device, be it a tablet, smart phone, clock, etc. Communication is performed via Bluetooth. The controller is used with .NET Micro Framework: FEZ Panda II
Simple RC car for beginners (Android control via Bluetooth) - This is a simple project of Android Bluetooth Car with Bluetooth control. This project is open source and multiplatform: Arduino (Processing), STM32, MSP430, PIC, AVR, FEZ Panda II (.NET Micro Framework). To control the car used Android-device with a built-in accelerometer
Arduino RC car (Android control via Bluetooth) - In this article, I will describe the assembly CxemCAR project for the Arduino-compability board
STM32 RC car (Android control via Bluetooth) - In this article, I will describe the assembly CxemCAR project for the STM32 board
Communication between the STM32 and Android via Bluetooth - This article describes the organization of communication via Bluetooth between the microcontroller STM32 (used board STM32 Value Discovery) and any Android-powered device (smartphone, tablet, etc.).
DIY intervalometer for Sony NEX - decided to make a DIY intervalometer for my Sony NEX 5N camera so that I could do time-lapse photography. This intervalometer should work with most Sony cameras: NEX, Alpha and other. To work intervalometer used infrared LED.
Data transfer between Android and Arduino via Bluetooth - This article, shows two examples of working with Bluetooth: 1. Send data to Arduino 2. Data transfer between Android and Arduino. Use Java code.
Arduino and Bluetooth - two-way data transfer between Arduino and PC (or other device).
LM317 Calculator - LM317 (LM350 and LM338) on-line calculator. Voltage Regulator and Current-Limiter Circuits.
USB data transfer between Android and Arduino - In this article we will discuss how to implement two-way data transfer between Android and Arduino in MicroBridge mode (ADB over USB). For this, we make a simple circuit using a Ultrasonic Distance Sensor and Piezo Buzzer.
LED Calculator - Current Limiting Resistor On-Line Calculator for LEDs. Series and parallel.