18 pin Samsung SGH-600 cellphone special connector at the cellular phone | Pin | Name | Description | Direction |
1 | GND | Ground | |
2 | TxD | RS232-Txd | OUT |
3 | RxD | RS232-RxD | IN |
4 | RTS | RS232-RTS | OUT |
5 | Max 4.2 | Max 4.2- Boot | |
6 | GND | Ground | |
7 | GND | Ground | |
8 | SPK2N | Lautsprecherausgang negatives Signal | OUT |
9 | SPK2P | Lautsprecherausgang negatives Signal | OUT |
10 | SCL | inter Kommunikatoinsbus Taktsignal | IN/OUT |
11 | SDA | inter Kommunikatoinsbus Datensignal | IN/OUT |
12 | CTS | RS232-CTS | IN |
13 | Vcc 3V | 3V Ausgang | OUT |
14 | DC Volt | Einspeisung vom Ladegerat (9V) | IN |
15 | DC Volt | Einspeisung vom Ladegerat (9V) | IN |
16 | MIC2P | Mikrofoneingang positives Signal | IN |
17 | MIC2N | Mikrofoneingang negatives Signal | IN |
18 | +VBatt | Akkuspannung 3.6V | IN |
pins 18, 17, 14 ; pins 5,6 should be shorted for flashing and unlocking ?
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