26 pin LG cellphone special connector at the cellular phone (keypad down?) | Pinout of LG 601. Pins other than Rx, Tx, GND may be differnt.
Pin |
Signal |
Description |
1,2 | GND | |
3 | jtag(tck) | |
4 | jtag(tms) | |
5 | jtag(tdi) | |
6 | jtag(tdo) | |
7 | differential SPKoutNegative | |
8 | differential SPKoutPositive | |
9 | SPK gnd | |
10 | SingleEND MIC in | |
11 | SW Debug UART2(Rx) | used for flashing? |
12 | SW Debug UART2(Tx) | used for flashing? |
13,14 | GND | |
15 | HandsFreeKitDetection | |
16 | ExtDeviceSupplyVoltage(VCC) | |
17 | RemotePowerON | |
18 | DataComm(UART1)RXD | |
19 | DataComm(UART1)TXD | |
20 | DataComm(UART1)DSR | |
21 | DataComm(UART1)RTS | |
22 | DataComm(UART1)CTS | |
23,24 | BatteryCharging | |
25,26 | BATT | |