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Floppy cable


34 pin IDC female
34 pin IDC female connector  to the Controller

The original floppy cable required that each drive was jumpered to the right ID. But IBM come up with an idea to avoid jumpering the floppies.
If wire 10-16 are twisted before the last connector the jumpering is avoided. Each drive should be jumpered to act as Drive 2. If only one drive is used then leave the middle connector free.
The IDC could also be an edge connector on some old drives.

Controller           Drive 2   Twist   Drive 1
+--+                   +--+            +--+
|::|===================|  |============|  |  <-Pin 1
|::|===================|  |=====\/=====|  |
|::|===================|  |=====/\=====|  |
|::|===================|  |============|  |
|::|===================|  |============|  |
|::|===================|  |============|  |
|::|===================|  |============|  |
+--+                   +--+            +--+
Controller Drive 1 Drive 2
Wire 1-91-91-91-9
Wire 10101610
Wire 11111511
Wire 12121412
Wire 13131313
Wire 14141214
Wire 15151115
Wire 16161016
Wire 17-3417-3417-3417-34

34 pin IDC female
34 pin IDC female connector  to the Drive 2 & Drive 1
