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Dataproducts D-Sub 50 Parallel


50 pin D-SUB male
50 pin D-SUB male connector
Pin Return Dir Description Active State
215<--On LineHigh
3837-->Data StrobeHigh
193-->Data 1n/a
204-->Data 2n/a
12-->Data 3n/a
4140-->Data 4n/a
3418-->Data 5n/a
4342-->Data 6n/a
3635-->Data 7n/a
2844-->Data 8n/a
5032<--Ident 0n/a
4916<--Ident 1n/a
4645-->Interface Verify. Tied together.Low?
1239-->+5 VDC (Test)High
2711<--Parity ErrorHigh
259<--Bottom of FormHigh
248<--Top of FormHigh
3014-->Paper InstructionHigh
3115-->Buffer ClearHigh
2610<--Paper MovingHigh
4817<--Paper MovingHigh
4733<--Not VFUHigh

Note: Direction is Host (Computer) relative Peripheral (Printer).
Note: Return is Ground signal for Unbalanced and the Negative Signal for Balanced.

50 pin D-SUB female
50 pin D-SUB female connector
