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RS-530 (EIA530) interface


The RS530 interface is a generic connector specification. It´s not an actual interface. The connector pinning can be used to support RS422, RS423, V.35 and X.21 to name the most popular ones.

разъем 25 pin D-SUB male
25 pin D-SUB male connector  at the DTE (Computer)

RS530 is just like RS422 and uses a differential signaling on a DB25 - RS232 format - EIA-530 Transmit (and the other signals) use a twisted pair of wires (TD+ & TD-) instead of TD and a ground reference as in RS232 or V.24. This interface is used for HIGH SPEED synchronous protocols. Using a differential signaling allows for higher speeds over long cabling. This standard is applicable for use at data signaling rates in the range from 20,000 to a nominal upper limit of 2,000,000 bits per second. Equipment complying with this standard, however, need not operate over this entire data signaling rate range. They may be designed to operate over a narrower range as appropriate for the specific application.

Pin Name Dir Description Circuit Paired with
1 ---Shield 18
2TxD-->Transmitted DataBA14
3RxD<--Received DataBB16
4RTS-->Request To SendCA19
5CTS<--Clear To SendCB13
6DSR<--Data Set ReadyCC22
7SGND---Signal GroundGround21
8DCD<--Data Carrier DetectCF10
9 <--Rtrn Receive Sig. Elmnt TimingDD17
10 <--Rtrn DCDCF8
11 -->Rtrn Transmit Sig. Elmnt TimingDA24
12 <--Rtrn Transmit Sig. Elmnt TimingDB15
13 <--Rtrn CTSCB5
14 -->Rtrn TxDBA2
15 <--Transmit Signal Element TimingDB12
16 <--Rtrn RxDBB3
17 <--Receive Signal Element TimingDD9
18LL-->Local LoopbackLL1
19 -->Rtrn RTSCA4
20DTR-->Data Terminal ReadyCD23
21RL-->Remote LoopbackRL7
22 <--Rtrn DSRCC6
23 -->Rtrn DTRCD20
24 -->Transmit Signal Element timingDA11
25 <--Test ModeTM 

Note: Direction is DTE (Computer) relative DCE (Modem)

25 pin D-SUB female
25 pin D-SUB female connector  at the DCE (Modem)
