Category: Main page » Audio Amplifiers

VU Stereo Meter

I like to see lights move to music. This project will indicate the volume level of the audio going to your speakers by lighting up LEDS. The LEDS can be any color so mix them up and really make it look good. The input of the circuit is connected to the speaker output of your audio amplifier.

You want to build two identical units to indicate both right and left channels.

The input signal level is adjusted by the 10k ohm VR. If you wish to make a very large scale model of this unit and hang it on your wall there is an optional output transistor that can drive many LEDS at once. The unit I built drove three LEDS for each output. The sequence of the LEDS lighting are as follows Pin 1, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10.

james hoegger 2012-06-02 17:39:17
I would like to build one like this on a bread bord can you show me how I would like to add more LED,s thank you james

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